Jake Roberts Says Vince McMahon Should Have Stopped The Show When Owen Hart Died Read More: https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1337241/jake-roberts-vince-mcmahon-should-have-stopped-show-owen-hart-died/


The death of Owen Hart on May 23, 1999, is a black stain on the history of professional wrestling, and WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts thinks that not stopping the Over The Edge PPV on that fatal night was not only the wrong choice but a disrespectful one to Owen and the family he left behind.

I think, yes, he should've stopped the PPV," Roberts said on a recent episode of "The Snake Pit" that featured a Q&A. "A death in that ring should stop everything, just out of respect for the one that's fallen."

Hart sadly fell from a great height while he rappeled his way to the ring at the Over The Edge show, where he was supposed to face The Godfather. Hart's widow, Dr. Martha Hart, cut ties with WWE and pro wrestling following the death of her husband.


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