Family of Gun Instructor Slain by 9-Yr-Old Firing Uzi Files Wrongful Death Suit


The children of an Arizona gun instructor accidentally killed by a 9-year-old firing an Uzi at a gun range are filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the business's owners.

"The gun range created an unsafe and dangerous environment that ultimately lead to my dad’s death" said Ellie Vacca, the 17-year-old daughter of Charles Vacca, on "Good Morning America" today.

The gun instructor’s family spoke to ABC News exactly two years after the tragic accident, saying they want the owners of the shooting range to be held responsible.

The wrongful death suit claims that the mini Uzi 9MM that fired the fatal shot should never have been placed in the girl's hands.

"What we have here is a complaint that says the operation we saw where Charlie Vacca was killed was fundamentally unsafe. It's fundamentally unsafe to give machine guns to children," said James Goodnow, the attorney representing the Vacca family in the suit.

ABC News made several attempts get comments from the owner of the "Bullets and Burgers" gun range, who did not respond.


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