Timothy Treadwell Devoted His Life To Grizzly Bears — Until They Ate Him


On October 5, 2003, Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were mauled to death by a grizzly bear — and the whole attack was caught on tape.

Ever since humans emerged as the dominant species, separated from animals by a few short links in the evolutionary chain, they’ve been trying to prove that they aren’t all that different. That the difference between man and beast is only appearance and that deep down we are really all animals.

Roy Horn and Montecore, the white tiger who mauled him on stage. Bruno Zehnder, who froze to death while living amongst the penguins in Antarctica. Steve Irwin, killed by a stingray as he was filming them for a documentary. However, none quite measure up to the impact made by the death of Timothy Treadwell, who lived and died amongst the wild grizzly bears of Alaska.


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