Horror injuries of SeaWorld trainer killed by orca - scalp torn off and severed spine


GRAPHIC CONTENT Dawn Brancheau was just 40 when she was attacked and killed by Tilikum the orca, who she had worked with as a trainer at SeaWorld for years

Dawn Brancheau loved all animals and felt a special affinity to the majestic and stunning orcas.

For 15 years, the 40-year-old had lived out her dreams and was working with orcas at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida.

Being a trainer at the world famous attraction was something she had dreamed of since she was a child and she was now one of the most senior there.

Dawn had spent her life working towards her goal, first studying psychology and animal behaviours at college before going on to get a job working with dolphins at an attraction in New Jersey following her graduation.

Two years later she landed her dream job at SeaWorld.

It wasn’t just in her professional life that Dawn’s love of animals shone through.


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