Inside SeaWorld Trainer Dawn Brancheau’s Death In The Jaws Of A Killer Whale


Dawn Brancheau was killed while performing with an orca named Tilikum in Orlando on February 24, 2010 — and SeaWorld never allowed humans into tanks with killer whales ever again.

Animal trainer Dawn Brancheau worked happily at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida, for many years. In her time there, she became a beloved trainer, and her shows with world-famous orcas brought millions of dollars to the park. But on February 24, 2010, she was killed in a rare, and unprovoked, attack by one of the orcas she’d loved so much.

Brancheau’s death in the jaws of the orca Tilikum forever changed the way theme parks handle wild sea animals, and was the subject of the award-winning documentary Blackfish. This is the tragic true story of Dawn Brancheau, the trainer whose death sparked a revolution.

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